Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I don't know why but WIPEOUT is soooooo entertaining to watch. Granted it's not a show I need to keep up with every week, or will watch online if I missed it - but when it's the only thing on it's completely captivating. It's like watching a train wreck, but hilarious at the same time.

I would say I feel bad for the people on this show, but they sign up for it! They must have seen it before and realize that they are gonna be hurting REAL bad the next day. I never really get why the physically unfit even try to do this show because that's just torturing yourself as you're not even going to come close to winning the money at the end.

I wonder who comes up with these games? The Big Balls have gotten revamped in this year's show. They seem to be on hydrolic lifts and move up and down as well - basically I never think that anyone is going to make it past these. I know the original Big Ball a number of people have made it through the obstacle -personally I've only ever seen it happen once, so I don't think the Moving Big Balls will be conquered.

For your viewing pleasure, some wipeouts on the Big Balls - I think the worst one is when the contestant gets stuck under one of the balls...


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