Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tour de France + Deep Fried Turkey

I kind of LOVE the Tour de France. I really don't know why, considering I don't ride bicycles anymore due to traumatic childhood experiences but yea there's a lot of neat stuff about it

1) Alberto Contador vs Andy Schleck - There was some recent controversy when Schleck (who was wearing the maillot jaune) had a mechanical problem with his bike and while he was fixing the chain that had fallen off Contador attacked and ended up taking away the yellow jersey. Apparently it's bad etiquette to not wait for your competitor if you're a major contender. Even Lance waited for Ullrich once and vice versa

I'm rooting for Andy because he hasn't won before and he can eat 21 energy gels w/o throwing up:

2) My favorite Tweeter Andy Kloedi! Mainly because Andreas Kloden takes a lot of pictures, seems to be obsessed with air conditioning, tweets in English (not German), and he's on team Radio Shack. It's actually pretty interesting to follow their twitter accounts to see how they feel about the race. Schleck and Contador both stated they put the a fore mentioned controversy behind them. I also found out through Andy Schleck's twitter that Jan Voigt is okay from his crash today, and that he's going to make a trade with Ben Stiller. Frank Schleck has been using his twitter to document his recovery from a crash in the TDF that lead to a broken collarbone

3) Head butting - HTC rider Mark Renshaw got DQ'd for the move he made in the following vid. I can see getting away with one hit, but 3? Yea, you can't make that look like a "mistake"

The tour is almost over and I can't wait for the time trials and to see who wins- only sad part is that there is no team time trial this year, which is my favorite part - at least it'll be back next year


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