Friday, July 9, 2010

It's a Me: Squid Ink Pasta!

First there was Mario's, and now there's Luigi's. There's actually a Yoshi's I've been to before too - and apparently there is a place called Bowser's out there, but I couldn't find a Princess Peach or Toadstool restaurant out there, which was kind of disappointing

But anyways, Luigi's has this:

BLACK PASTA!! aka pasta flavored with squid ink which makes it turn black.

It didn't really taste much different to me than regular pasta - just the color was different. Maybe if I had a side by side comparison of the black pasta and regular pasta I might have noticed a different taste. But in general it was really great - and the calamari was perfectly cooked too!

The food in general was really good at Luigi's....don't be fooled by this picture

This patron (who will remain unnamed, because I don't know how she feels about her food-capades being broadcasted to my uhh 5 readers) wasn't trying to mask the taste of her food with a mountain of cheese, she just really likes cheese


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