I saw this recipe for s'more like cupcakes on Bakerella, but since I'm not a big chocolate fan, and didn't have any coco powder I decided to go with a straight graham cracker cupcake. So here's the recipe I ended up using:
Graham Cracker Cupcakes: makes 7-9?? Bake @ 350 degrees F
3/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 cup (more or less I think I was at 7/8 of a cup) graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
1 teaspoons vanilla
1/4 cup oil
I say the recipe makes 7-9 for the following reasons:
- I ran out of the regular size cupcake papers and ended up with 6 regular and 5 mini cupcakes, and I don't know the mini cupcake to cupcake conversion rate
- I had read that graham cracker cupcakes don't tend to rise as much and filled them 3/4 of the way - but they definitely ended up rising!
Mini Cupcakes

Regular Sized Cupcakes

Notice the rise

Finished Graham Cracker Cupcakes!

So if you were paying attention, this post was called Key lime Cupcakes and you're probably thinking "where's the lime?!". Well if you know anything about key lime pie or custards, you normally have to use egg yolks to make them with. This wasn't an option because I wasn't going to bake a filling in it so I tried making this Eggless Lemon Curd Recipe, but with key lime juice instead. This failed miserably as the curd didn't set up at all - so I ended up folding in the liquid mixture into beaten cream cheese and cool whip, which worked out pretty well. I can't really say I have a recipe for this - I kinda just went by taste.
I found this old pumpkin carving tool, which was great for hollowing out the centers

Filled with the frosting-ish mixture

Frosted, using my handy cut end zip lock bag


Tips on Making These:
- I think the finer the graham cracker the better, because then it's more like flour and the flavor is more distributed. I tried using the food processor at first to crush the crackers, but that didn't work out so well. The blender was a much better method
- Bake time was given around 15min for the s'more cupcakes. I think my regular sized ones too 18-21 min and my mini ones too 12-15min. It's hard to say because I kept opening the oven to check
- The frosting has a better texture if it's chilled. After mixing it was more liquidy. It tasted fine, but the leftovers cupcakes I put in the fridge and the filling/frosting was better when it was firmer.
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