Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why I hate weekend napping

This week has been pretty terrible for me, and all because of weekend napping. If I fall asleep during the day, I end up staying up later at night and this throws off my sleep pattern for the rest of the week. It's so hard to resist falling asleep - especially because the weekend is about relaxing and you pretty much lounge around. Then I end up being awake during the wee hours of the night.

The during week I've been falling asleep during Jeopardy to the soothing voice of host Alex Trebek. At least I've been waking up in time to watch the Celtics games - even if they did get crushed tonight.

It actually hasn't been too bad staying awake at work once I get past the first hour, but it really just drags on and on and on. Surprisingly I haven't needed to drink any coffee either to stay awake - although part of that is because the coffee at work is pretty nasty so I try not to drink it at all costs. I wish we had a K-cup machine at work, that would be sweet in a bitter caffeinated way of course.

Napping was so much easier back in college when I didn't have to be up at 6:30am in the morning - I need a schedule like that again without the whole going to classes and taking test thing. I don't think there are jobs like that unless you are a professor - and then where would you nap? In your office? Seems kind of weird to me.

Hopefully more interesting content later on in the week


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