Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pageants With Talent

Who watched Miss America this weekend even thought there was NFL Playoff football this weekend?!?

Well if you haven't figured it out - I did. I like Miss America better than Miss USA because it has the talent portion, which adds a whole other level to the competition. You actually need to be good at something else besides looking pretty and being on top of current events... unless your Miss Delaware. Granted she did look very nice in swimsuit and evening gown, and I didn't see if she made it to the interview round, but I think she either need to work on her talent or pick a new one.

Check out her rehearsal (the live show was pretty much the same, except it was more obvious that she didn't point her toes). And for all you non-dancers out there, this performance is not that good:

This is what a dance talent should look more like what Miss Missouri is doing in her rehearsal:

Also just because I couldn't believe this was her talent Miss Arkansas (she was a better singer than some of the top 10 who just sang for their talent:


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