Why a sandwich? Well really it was supposed to be the Coca-Cola can due to the birthday-er's addiction to Coke, and a sandwich with a coke seemed to be at good match at the time.
So here's how it went:
Leveling off the cake to make the bread - because no one wants domed bread aka the end slice - with my super awesome leveler thingy. In this case I actually pulled the cake on the pan and kept the leveler still
Carved out slices of bread - meant to make them more even in size, but it actually worked out okay because you could see the toppings more with the smaller piece on top
Made it in to white bread! Maybe if I used just white cake instead of Funfetti I could have just done crust as it would have already been white. Pizza cutter worked much better than the butter knife I've used in the past.
Now the crust! It was actually really hard to get one long piece for the crust - I had to do it in pieces and had a hard time getting rid of the seams, but did the best I could
Rounds for soda can cut of out of leveled chocolate cake using hamburger patty maker thing
Three stacked rounds not so bad - couple of straws for support
Five doesn't look so bad here but it was a problem because the cakes were so airy and not dense enough so the bottom layer was actually crumbling/collapsing under the weight :(
It looks passable from the top
But not from the side - oh yea the saran wrap was an attempt to hold it together while it was in the freezer to maintain the shape, it kinda worked...
I even had a frozen butter cream transfer to put on the can - but it was too lumpy and falling a part
On the bright side here are some finished sandwich shots
I think the fondant bacon turned out pretty well
I wish i had a picture to show the scale - maybe one of my friends will have one