Beginning of August:
- Colorado for cousin's wedding --> duties as a bridesmaid and a lot of family fun time
- Rock climbing on real rocks in Gregory Canyon
- Boulder Beer Co. free tour = delicious
- Celestial Seasoning free tour --> wondering why all their pre-made teas for tasting were sweetened
- Invesco Stadium
- Coor Field - learned not to jump the fence, not that we did
- Lucille's --> creole = yum, time for a trip to New Orleans?
- Chipotle from its motherland
- Catching up on school because I didn't do any in Colorado
- Take home test
- Take home final
- Birthday --woo I'm older
- Lora's in town - hooray!
- Meet twin's new roommate...interesting
- S&S for brunch - also good bc it had parking and twin's parking pass was MIA
- Adventure to mall for shopping!
- Pizza with Nick
- Pool - the billiards kind for a contest to see who is the least bad
- Beach with Nick showing up hours later and Brian was there too
- Labor Day weekend
- Revolution game via groupon --> free shirt and they actually won!
- climbing outside
Also What the heck - Kevin won Top Chef?! LAME. I thing Hung should have won again, considering he did most of the work for Angelo's meal!